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  • Profile picture of Brett Cartwright

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  • Profile picture of Stephen Rainford

Website Use – Q & A’s – Support

Public Group active 8 years, 4 months ago ago

Site Support – Post your Questions and Answers – get Site Help.

How do I get started?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Stephen Rainford Stephen Rainford 10 years, 3 months ago.

  • Author
  • #1109
    Profile photo of Stephen Rainford
    Stephen Rainford

    Q: I’ve just signed in for the first time. What can I do?

  • #1110
    Profile photo of Stephen Rainford
    Stephen Rainford

    A: Update or complete your profile.
    Click on your user name under Members Login, or select Profile from the top right pop-down menu.
    You can view and update your personal settings, password etc.

  • #1174
    Profile photo of Brett Cartwright
    Brett Cartwright

    That’s right! That Top Right menu, under “Howdy (your name)” is where you’ll find all your stuff – as it pertains to this site.

    Roll over that menu – it’ll drop down
    Click on all the available options
    See where they take you.

    User’s can’t really hurt anything on this site, so have at it.

    If you’ve questions, please let us know with a post here.

    Cheers everyone, and thanks!
    – Brett

  • #1181
    Profile photo of Stephen Rainford
    Stephen Rainford

    A: Privacy Settings

    Edit your Privacy details when you update your profile.
    For instance you can select which information about you is private, or visible to members.

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